Yogurt Attack – September 21st, 2000

Okay, so maybe yesterday I was overreacting a bit. I had one of those annoying days where nothing seems to go the way it’s supposed to, and that really blows. In P.E at the beginning of the day I hid in a cubicle the whole lesson because I just felt so shitty and I didn’t want to see anyone.

Today, I had a piece of cling film and I put a hole in it and poked my tongue through. That made Chels laugh so much. Hah hah. We also got free sachets of yogurt so we were squirting them at each other at lunch time. I smashed one on the ground and it squirted some older girl in the hair. There was a massive bit of strawberry squashed into her fringe. She went mental at me, but I just laughed.

Because it’s almost the end of term we had to clean out our lockers. Michelle opened hers and all her stuff fell out onto the floor. She kept swearing at the mountain of papers on the floor. I swear, it was like a hoarders locker.

Rachel was there too, and every time she looked at me I just smiled. I’ve decided not to let her bother me anymore. She shouldn’t have even bothered me in the first place. It was all a bit stupid when I think about it.

Jayne is coming back to school next term. She was one of my best friends in intermediate, but I haven’t spoken to her since she left. I saw her today, but I didn’t say hello or anything, I don’t really know why.

So, George rang me last night. He’s off to New Caledonia today. He said some really weird stuff though. I told him my room was really hot so he told me to take off all my clothes. Err, weird.

Oh god, today I also found out that Michael Reid likes me. Gross. He goes to the boys school and I met him at a social a while ago. He’s really hyper and annoying, and has sooo many freckles. He called Chels and said he thinks I’m really pretty. I don’t know if it’s him who has been calling me and hanging up a lot, but now I think it might be.

Anyway, yay, it’s almost the holidays!!


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